Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Initial Observations and Thoughts


This is a place for the members of the Living Inquiry study group to reflect on and share our experiences with this study group. The above pic my wife took of burrowing owls in Fl and they perfectly depict what I think our first meeting was about.  Opening our eyes to the world around us and thinking deeply about how we experience it.
Have fun reflecting!!


  1. Notes from our first meeting - We talked about Living Inquiry as a practice of noticing what we are noticing and then recording field notes for reflection. We made handmade accordian books to keep our notes. We will meet for the next four weeks.

  2. Notes from our second meeting - We set norms for our group as a safe place to share, be reflective and productive. Common themes were time and connection to self/other. We noticed what we noticed and these included: I will learn from those who are like me and not like me. Noise distracts me and quiet is a blessing. I would like to pause time, sometimes. I love being connected to my students in a real way. I'm readjusting my expectations for the classroom. We will meet nest Thursday.

  3. I noticed last week that the pressure to get everything done during my prep class made me really stressed out. This stress carries over into my next class and the conflict between how I want to interact with the kids and m stress level is really high. Stopping and taking a minute to get grounded and gain some perspective really helps.

  4. 2nd Meeting: I noticed that each and every reflection, whether or not I initially felt I could relate, was significant to my overall teaching experience. I was able to listen to different perspectives and then record insightful reflections from each member that I can refer back to in the future, for my own personal purposes. Overall it was a meaningful experience and I noticed that I really enjoy the group dynamics and the sense of community we have established.

  5. I spent a lot of time this past weekend thinking about how one of our group members said "You just need to let it go." I really pondered this in every aspect of my life, not just school. This is a mantra I really need to work on. Over the weekend, a lot of things did not work out right the way that I had expected them to. My usual response is to get really angry and resentful. Instead, I focused on "letting it go" and realizing that, in the long run, the energy spent on the anger and resentment is just plain wasteful. I felt a lot more at-ease after I accepted this.

  6. So.....this week I still thought a lot about paradoxes. That was sort of my "word of the week." Our fearless group leader said, "We see ourselves in other people's reaction to us." I really took time since our last meeting to notice the beautiful, wonderful side of this, and the awful, disappointing side. I don't know if I have a big epiphany about this, it's just worth noticing......
